Blue Lagoon Mocktail #drinks #nonacohol

Blue Lagoon Mocktail #drinks #nonacohol

I got an opportunity to taste this outlandish looking blue shaded Hawaiian mocktail couple of years back and I was snared on to that eye engaging shading and the kind of that drink. That was the first occasion when I knew about curacao alcohol or syrup and after that I read up on it as I needed to find out about it.

Curacao syrup is essentially an orange enhanced syrup made utilizing the strips of laraha natural product which happens to be a variation of Valencia Oranges. So its like drinking a squeezed orange which is blue in shading. This curacao syrup is utilized to make numerous outlandish looking mixed drink and mocktails.

Generally the butterfly pea blossoms otherwise called Blue Bells in India was utilized to shading the liquer blue. Be that as it may, presently fake hues are being utilized to color the beverage. Just blue as well as it is currently accessible in a wide range of hues and even seasoned curacao syrups are additionally accessible. I have attempted the chocolate seasoned curacao syrup and the mix of chocolate, sweet, harsh and impactful was extremely flavorful.

There are both drunkard and non alcoholic syrups accessible and the one that I'm utilizing is an improved non alcoholic blue curacao syrup. This syrup is accessible in the greater part of the top of the line departmental stores now a days. I had the option to get hold of a container as of late and we have all experienced the greater part of the jug as of now.

Also try our recipe Creamsicle Margaritas

Blue Lagoon Mocktail #drinks #nonacohol #summer #party #kidfriendly

Blue Lagoon Non Alcoholic Drink recipe. Enjoy this Blue Curacao Mocktail or Blue Curacao Lemonade on a hot summer day to feel refreshed and rejuvenated.

  • 1/4 cup Blue Curacao Syrup
  • 2 tbsp Lemon Juice
  • 10 leaves Mint leaves
  • 1 tsp Ginger Juice
  • 3/4 cup Club Soda
  • 2 Lemon rinds
  • Ice cubes to serve

  1. Crush the mint leaves between your palm.
  2. In a serving glass, add lemon rinds, crushed mint leaves, lemon juice, blue curacao syrup and ginger juice.
  3. Add ice cubes to the top of the glass.
  4. Top with club soda and stir with a stirrer.
  5. Serve this Blue Lagoon (non alcoholic) drink immediately.

Read more our recipe : Gooey Brownie Pie

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