Chocolate Mousse #desserts #chocolate

Chocolate Mousse #desserts #recipes

I am a chocoholic! Truly. I can't go a day without eating a few. On the off chance that I need to pick between a chocolate sweet and whatever else, I'll generally pick the chocolate. To believe that a few people are unfavorably susceptible just torments me.

Furthermore, on the off chance that you have not attempted or made Chocolate Mousse previously, you have to ASAP on the grounds that it's so basic. There are many advances, yet they are simple and take only a smidgen of time – so justified, despite all the trouble for the outcome!

Presently, regularly Chocolate Mousse is made with whipped egg whites yet the egg whites are not cooked. For the individuals who are pregnant or insusceptible traded off expending crude egg whites can be a bet so all things being equal, I utilized whipped cream to make a similar light, cushioned, smooth surface.

Fill in as is or top with whipped cream and shaved chocolate. I like to shave my chocolate with a microplane or zester. You are going to LOVE this Chocolate Mousse. It's so smooth and reviving. The ideal consummation of any supper. Appreciate!

Also try our recipe Peanut Butter Brownie Bars

Chocolate Mousse #desserts #chocolate #easy #mousse #partyfood

Chocolate Mousse is a complex ultra smooth and velvety sweet that is ideal for serving at an evening gathering.

  • 4 egg yolks
  • 1/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 2 1/2 cups whipping cream divided
  • 8 ounces semi sweet baking chocolate chopped
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
For the garnish:
  • shaved chocolate
  • whipped cream

  1. Beat egg yolks in the bowl of a stand mixer with the whisk attachment for 3 minutes until thick. Gradually add the sugar while beating.
  2. Heat 1 cup of cream in a small sauce pan until hot. With the mixer on, stream 1/2 of the hot cream into the eggs. Once combined, pour the mixture into the pot with the remaining 1/2 cup cream. Turn the heat to low and cook until thick, stirring constantly (5 minutes).
  3. Mix in the vanilla and then add in the chocolate in 3 batches, stirring over low heat until melted and smooth.
  4. Pour the mix into a large bowl, cover, and place in fridge for 1.5-2 hours, stirring every 20-30 minutes. Once no longer warm, remove from the fridge and whip up the remaining 1 1/2 cups heavy cream to stiff peaks. Fold the cream into the cooled chocolate mixture.
  5. Pipe or spoon the mouse into small glasses. Cover and place in fridge until ready to serve.
  6. Garnish with fresh whipped cream and shaved chocolate.

Read more our recipe : Cinnamon Vanilla Latte

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