Immune booster smoothie #healthy #drinks

Immune booster smoothie #healthy #drinks

With every one of the bugs around during this season it can't damage to give the resistant framework a kick with our lovely green smoothie. Pressed with crisp spinach, kiwi and live yogurt our super smoothie isn't just delectable however it's the main way yet I have the children to eat spinach!

This smoothie is overflowing with superfood goodness. With iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, folate and nutrient A from the spinach. A punch of nutrient A,C and E from the kiwi. Nutrient B6 and C alongside manganese, potassium and biotin from the banana. Also, a sound portion of good microscopic organisms from the normal yogurt.

Too speedy to make and incredible nearby a dish of porridge for breakfast.

Immune booster smoothie #healthy #drinks #smoothies #breakfast #immuneboosting

Blend up a totally delicious immune booster smoothie, delicious smoothies for kids, healthy breakfast smoothies for kids, easy recipes.

  • Large handful of fresh spinach
  • 2 kiwi
  • Banana
  • 2 heaped tbs natural yogurt

  1. Add the spinach to the blender and blitz into tiny pieces.
  2. Scoop the flesh from the kiwi and break up the banana add them to the blender along with the natural yogurt and blitz until smooth.

Read more our recipe : White Chocolate Strawberry Cupcakes

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